Apprenctice Program
- Instructor Training
Leg Up Equestrian is seeking top candidates for our upcoming apprentice program. For over 25 years, Leg Up has been developing what has become a national model of riding school excellence. We teach all aspects of horsemanship, including horse care, partnership and training, dressage, show jumping, cross-country jumping, and eventing.
What sets us apart?
It is having a developed, proven curriculum (our “Levels of Achievement”), our emphasis on a warm, positive environment, our unique working student program, and our integrated barn and horse care instruction. But mostly, it is because our top priority is to unite our students with the magic of the horse so that they can find their voice and grow. We don’t believe jumping higher or accumulating ribbons has any meaning if it’s not accompanied by a purpose and a dream.
Apprenticeship Training
Leg Up Equestrian offers ongoing training and certification through the Apprentice Instructor Training Program. As an appentice instructor, we will teach you not "what to teach", but more important "how to teach".
Through the Apprencticeship Training Program you will learn step-by-step to develop and master the requisite skills and teaching methods to become an effective Riding Instructor.
As an apprentice, you receive ongoing training as a Leg Up class student to further your riding skills in English Equitation, Dressage, and Jumping. ~ this in exchange for hard work (hrs/wk rquired), your ongoing committment to the Leg Up Program, AND your goal of becoming an accomplished, throughly trained, certified Riding Instructor!
What's in it for us?
We're looking to develop our next Leg Up Equestrian Riding instructor to join our team.
Where do you want to go?
Leg Up is a national model of excellence in horsemanship and riding instruction. Our program exists to bring the magic of the horse to our students and future
Riding Instructors.
Are you ready!
Apprenctice application
Where do you want to go?

Become a Leg Up Riding Instructor!